Southeast Startups and Investors Can Benefit from Four “Mega Trends” Identified in BIP Capital 2019 Outlook Report

BIP Capital recently published its inaugural BIP Capital 2019 Outlook report, which identifies four “mega trends” predicted to capture venture capitalists’ investment dollars in the coming months and beyond. To develop the report, our experts analyzed data from over 50 VC firms, reviewing the past year’s leading areas of investment. From that analysis, we extrapolated the top trends that we believe investors should consider moving forward.

The BIP Capital 2019 report attempts to answer the question “where should we invest today in order to be part of tomorrow’s successful innovation?”

The good news is that tech companies in the Southeast are already pursuing the mega trends identified in the report. In fact, promising companies focused on these areas have and are presenting on the Venture Atlanta stage. We’ve described these trends below, along with examples of Venture Atlanta alumni companies that are playing—and playing quite well—in these spaces. (Disclosure: These companies are also in our BIP Capital investment portfolio).

Mega Trend 1: A Change in the Way We View Trust.

In light of recent security breaches and data privacy scandals, consumers as well as enterprises will continue to grow more cautious of businesses they used to inherently trust. Tomorrow’s growth companies will build solutions that allow consumers to secure their personal data or help companies better secure and properly utilize their apps and online systems.

VA alum: Devcon Security

Mega Trend 2: Using Data to Drive Operational Effectiveness.

More and more of today’s businesses need technology solutions designed to help them more effectively deliver their value proposition. This trend is factoring into the use of aggregated data for more effective healthcare, the rise of the data-driven customer success industry, and the continued proliferation of IoT technology in government and corporate environments.

VA alum: Excel Health, ThingTech, Wellview Health

Mega Trend 3: Applications of New Technology to Create Efficiency.

Today’s businesses are having to do more with less, which is why technologies like virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and the use of drones will create more workplace efficiency.

VA alum:

Mega Trend 4: Solutions with Direct-to-Consumer Benefits.

Many consumer-oriented categories will see high growth over the next 12 months, such as precision medicine and solutions that enhance the event/ticketing experience.

VA alum: PlayOn! Sports

As these mega trends suggest, trust, effectiveness, efficiency, and consumer benefit are all key characteristics that a Venture Atlanta presenting company should exhibit. The ability to achieve these qualities, in fact, is what separates a successful, sustainable company from merely a good idea.

There’s a quote from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky that has been central to the release of our BIP Capital 2019 Outlook report: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it’s been.” Like Gretzky says, why go to where the action has already happened? Get out in front and make the ensuing goal look easy! That’s the goal of our BIP Capital 2019 Outlook report—we want to be able to help investors looking for the best places to focus their efforts. Entrepreneurs can also benefit by learning where investment dollars will likely be going.

Each spring, we’ll publish a new Outlook report, reviewing our predictions from last year while making new ones for the upcoming year. If we get this right, it’s our belief that smart investments will follow.

We anticipate Venture Atlanta 2019 will showcase even more companies offering solutions in these hot areas, as well as other great types of innovators that are pushing the envelope on where the puck is going.

You can read the BIP Capital 2019 Outlook report here.

Mark Buffington is CEO of BIP Capital, one of the top venture capital firms in the southeastern United States. Connect with them on LinkedIn or Twitter @BIPCapital.

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