February 28, 2018

37 Everyday Things That Didn’t Exist a Decade Ago

Think about your job, your leisure activities, your commute, your workouts, your dating life, and your home. What brands, products, tech innovations etc. are a part of your usual routines? Now consider how many of these didn’t exist a decade ago.


To most, this list is entertaining.

To entrepreneurs, this list is inspiring.


It puts into perspective how much our world can change in a decade. It shows how a new way of thinking can disrupt even the most impenetrable industries. It’s proof that consumer preferences can transform right before our eyes. Venture Atlanta brings together innovative minds from all over the southeast and gives them a chance to turn their ideas into revolutionary businesses.


To Venture Atlanta, this list is why we do what we do.


  1. 4G – 2009
  2. 5G – 2019
  3. Amazon Alexa – 2014
  4. Apple AirPods – 2016
  5. Apple Watch – 2015
  6. Birchbox – 2010
  7. Bird – 2013
  8. Blue Apron – 2012
  9. Consumer drones – 2013
  10. Cryptocurrency – 2009
  11. FaceTime – 2010
  12. FanDuel – 2009
  13. Google Drive – 2012
  14. Google Hangouts – 2013
  15. GoFundMe – 2010
  16. Instagram – 2010
  17. iPad – 2010
  18. Kickstarter – 2009
  19. Medium – 2012
  20. Minecraft – 2009
  21. Nest Thermostat (now Google Nest) – 2010
  22. Oculus – 2012
  23. Pinterest – 2010
  24. Postmates – 2011
  25. Ring – 2012
  26. Robinhood – 2013
  27. Siri – 2011
  28. Slack – 2009
  29. Snapchat – 2011
  30. Soylent – 2013
  31. Square – 2009
  32. Stripe – 2009
  33. Tinder – 2012
  34. Uber – 2009
  35. Venmo – 2009
  36. WeWork – 2010
  37. WhatsApp – 2009


What others would you add to this list? Comment below, or tweet us at @VentureAtlanta with more ideas!

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